Reaching higher skies requires not only flying skills but also a strong determination. And that’s where drone videography services Philadelphia pitch in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
A remotely-operated or autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), usually known as a drone, is not easy to control, guide, and use.
That’s why we have employed several licensed and certified aviation specialists who bring years of industry experience with them. Our flight enthusiasts can navigate these Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) easily through bulgy mountains, never-ending pits, and, most importantly, the maze of societal architecture.
These days, there is a growing demand for drone videography in Philadelphia among many real estate developers. It helps them understand and evaluate the construction proceedings, hugely minimizing the scope for human error.
Our drones can capture the minutest of details that may seem obscure to your regular photographer or videographer. Through drone services, you can scrupulously understand a building’s overall architecture along with a 360-degree view without having to climb an iota of floor or by trying to fit into those inaccessible corners.
Drone services in Philadelphia also facilitate ‘Clear as the night sky’ audio recordings that may help understand what exactly is unfolding at a scene.
We are certified by the Federal Aviation Administration to operate these drones, and our LLC is accredited by the New Jersey Govt to function as a small business. We procure ultra-modern drones in speed, design, and safety and undergo a thorough examination to tolerate the harshest of environments.
Our company is run by veterans and certified by the Dept. of Veteran Affairs to function as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). We also hold a certification from the New Jersey & New York Govt each while ensuring that our team adheres to all the policy norms and safety guidelines.
That’s what makes us one of the most recommended service providers of drone photography in Philadelphia.
Our drones have proven to be useful in telecommunication services through antennas, electrical wires and poles inspection and surveillance, infrastructure monitoring such as roads, dams, etc.
These drones can decrease signal interference when used with antennas, finish construction projects on-time, analyze and devise a workable strategy for a myriad of projects, and cut overhead costs by including lesser manpower.
We have a little over thirty years of experience in military operations related to aircraft operations, specific maneuvers related to unmanned systems, and aviation safety.
We offer you the most authentic First Person View (FPV) that a naked eye might not be able to render, given the sacred architecture of a building when posed against a regular human being.
With this level of experience and dedication to our job, the work done by us in aerial drone photography in Philadelphia is usually considered a reference point for others to follow.
A reliable team that boasts of the best in the field of aviation
A large fleet of drones is readily available as per the requirement.
Hassle-free services are guaranteed.
A considerable advantage of experience when compared with the nearest competitor.
Highly customizable services to suit your specifics.
Not to be modest, we take pride in running a company that sincerely cares for its customers’ satisfaction, as we first served the people during the war, and now we are serving them to build their dreams in a better way!
Osprey Drones have their feet dug deep into the ground while scaling multifold highs in the sky. We provide valuable services to our customers and ensure that all their queries and grievances are taken care of in a timely fashion.